Cleaning Up Your Business Relationships for More Flow

Jun 08, 2022

Often, healers are too permissive of toxic behavior in their clients, employees or vendors, and business partners, creating a lack of money flow into their bank account.  Here are some tips that will help you discern what to do with each kind of toxic relationship and how to relieve you of that stress.   Free live training on how to fill your calendar as a healer so you can support yourself and your family, go to:  

This time it's about your relationships. And the reason for that is that they are the number one factor in your happiness, your well being, your health and your wealth. Let's clean up your business relationships to help your healing practice thrive. 


I had so many troubled relationships all the way until my mid 40s. As soon as I started cleaning those up, my life changed dramatically to the point where my relationships all run really smoothly. Doesn't matter with who. 

Right even before my mom died, my mom and I had a lot of butting heads and uncomfortable discussion.   Before she passed away, we healed that relationship and it became amazing. So it is possible to have one of those relationships, that troubled you throughout life and colored things in a negative way.  It is possible to heal that. 

Your core family is where you get started with relationships

then you carry it forward into your significant relationships. So if you had healthy relationships in your core family, that would be great.Many of us that are in the healing arts got into them because of core family issues. 

So let's talk about your business relationships. Sometimes 5% of your clients will take up 95% of your energy. These are the clients that you really need to figure out how to fire if you've tried working with them for a short amount of time  but they haven't shifted enough.  It's very, very draining for you. 

Your energy and their energy simply don't match and they need to find another place to go get healed. And I've had several cases in which when I first met somebody that kind of rubbed me the wrong way, meaning I felt more tired around them than not. 

Most are not my clients any more but there were about three or four of them that turned around quickly. I have continued to have great relationships with them and they've turned out to be some of my best friends and best clients. So don't be too hasty with your firing them. 

 If you just can't get through to someone

and every time you get on the phone with them, they're always talking about what's wrong in their life. That's because they've focused on what's wrong in their life for most of their lives. 

What I'm saying is you can try training them, you can try helping them and if they're open to it and they start to shift then it's really worthwhile. You become one of the few people that understand them and they really will then start to enjoy your company. And some of these people have helped to bring in new clients for me and they are my biggest advocates.

Another kind of business relationship is a vendor or supplier.

This is who you have to be really, really quick to fire. I am working with a company that supplies virtual assistants. And I worked with one virtual assistant for about two months. They told me they were training her and I wouldn't have to pay for that time. But during those two months I could have had all of this content and all of this work done. But she hadn't succeeded at anything. 

So I simply told them, either give me my money back or change the person that I'm working with.  Then I got a new VA and she is awesome.

So speak up. Don't put up with anything. Just tell them. I either want my money back or I want somebody else.  If it's one of those situations where there's excuse after excuse after excuse after excuse as to why things aren’t happening.   I then even get blamed for not supplying the right information and things like that. That’s just not acceptable.

There are really a lot of great vendors and there are a lot of great suppliers.  Those are the people that you really need to find and work with. Because they'll understand you and you'll understand them. And you can use your sixth sense or your spidey sense to vet them. And I find that that works out really well. 

The 3rd kind of business relationship is business partners.

There are a lot of people that will want to work with you because frankly, you're magical, right? And they'll want to work with you and they'll want to develop a business with you.

I find that we healers tend to be Uber responsible for other people will tend to put in the lion's share of the work and often get very little out of it. So you have to be really really careful with getting a business partner in my opinion. 

The best is to avoid them as if at all possible. And instead hire somebody. If you're thinking they're going to supply let's say, the advertising and the know-how of the advertising, and putting out content and things like that. 

I pay my VA $350 a month. With that she puts out all of my content and she does a marvelous job. You know, we had a little bit of a training period. But now she gets stuff done so fast that I have to produce more content to keep her busy and I have to find new things for her to do which we'll be doing. That's the kind of supplier, employee or vendor you want to have. 

And I don't need a business partner for that reason because I do these kinds of videos. It takes me approximately two to three hours a week and then I'm done. And everything else gets done for me. 

Good partnerships are the ones that add to you and you add to them. 

You'll feel like the burden is lifted off your shoulders and they offer you as much or more energy than you are putting in. 

And I've experienced that a couple of times in my life and now in my marriage. That's how I feel like I feel like I'm getting as much out as I put in and that is a really amazing feeling right? 

So that's about your business relationships and you can also extend these concepts into the 3 kinds of relationships in your life.   For example, firing your friends that make you feel totally drained, that's number one. 

A vendor would be someone you are working with to supply whatever it is for your home, like cleaning, yard work, interior decorating, painting. if you're feeling not that good about them and you don't want them around you, it's best to look elsewhere.

The third kind of relationship is your life partner. When you have a life partner if you are inclined to have one, like I enjoy having one, but I can also enjoy not having one right. 

I knew though, this last partner,  my husband: I wasn't looking at the time and I really didn't want one.  When I heard myself saying yes to him, that surprised me as much as anybody. 

So you never know what your inner being wants until it pops out. And I wouldn't have agreed if I hadn't felt that there was something really special about this relationship. 

Not only that's how you should look for your business partners, but it should also be the same for your life partners. 

When you're in a place of lack, you will accept anything.

Being in a place of abundance, you will only accept what's good for you. 

So I hope that's really helpful for cleaning up your business relationships because those relationships are going to be the ones that either uplift you or drag you down. 

For me what's uplifting is having, for example, my husband. He's a life partner: in essence a marriage is like a business. You both have to put into it. 

For me, my  current vendors, my virtual assistant has been essential in my life now even though I've only had her since the beginning of the year. And it has basically transformed me and how I run my business. It has taken the huge burden of a lot of the techie techie things off of my back. 

I still do some because I like them. I spent all morning doing a few,  setting up for doing a talk this afternoon and also for tomorrow afternoon. 

In Summary

The relationships are: your clients right and for your personal life, it's your friends.  For friends, if you are the one doing the most reaching out in order to stay connected to them, then you have to rethink them. Rethink it because I don't like chasing people. I don't want to chase my friends and say hey, let's get together. 

Because if they don't have the time for me Why should I have the time for them? And basically, you don't like everybody so everybody doesn't have to like you. It's okay, because the people that show up are the ones that are going to be important both as clients and as friends. 

So I hope that was helpful today. So just to recap, it's firing the clients that drain you. Firing the vendors that don't resonate with you and drain you and are not supplying you with the right thing for whatever you're paying.  And last,  avoiding business partners or life partners that don't give you back as much as you put in. 

Standout Quotes for Detoxing Business Relationships:

  • "You may have had one of those relationships that troubled you throughout life and colored things in a negative way.  And it is possible to heal it."  
  • "So if you had healthy relationships in your core family, that would be great.  Many of us that are in the healing arts became healers because of our core family issues." 
  • "If you have a client that’s always talking about what's wrong in their life. That's because they've focused on what's wrong in their life for most of their lives. You may not be the right healer for them."
  • "The good partnerships are the ones that add to you and you add to them.  You'll feel like the burden is lifted off your shoulders and they offer you as much or more energy than you are putting in."
  • "You may need to fire your friends that make you feel totally drained."
  • "When you're in a place of lack, you will accept anything. Being in a place of abundance, you will only accept what's good for you." 
  • "In business, you have three types of relationships: your clients, your employees or contractors, and your partners. Detoxing these will increase your flow."