Self Sabotaging? Phrases to avoid using to turn it around.
May 16, 2022
Using positive upbeat language patterns mean the difference between success for you and your client and self-sabotage and failure. Learn what the three most defeating language patterns are and what to say instead. Free live training on how to become a highly paid healer in 3 months or less, go to:
Standout Quotes:
- "The subconscious fails to recognize negatives, it will focus on the words around the negative phrase. The reason is that the subconscious works in symbols and negative words don’t have symbols. "
- "If you say instead of “good”, you say, “Not bad,” the frequency is about 175 instead of 400 out of a scale of 0 to 1000. A range of 3 to 4 hundred will affect most people positively."
- "In grading, “A” is excellent, and B is good. And wouldn't you rather get an A than a B? These upbeat words can make a huge impact."
- "When my elderly mom was not feeling well, I’d ask, “How are you doing?” She would invariably respond, “Oh, everything is just terrible.” After speaking to her about language, she changed it to: Well, it could be better. It's improving.” And then she would improve and her mood would go up. Even old people can change."
- "When you tell someone else, “you look radiant,” you're raising your own frequency as well as theirs."
- "Phrases that bring into question your competency include: How do I do that? I don't know how to do that. Instead, say, “ what would it take for me to accomplish that?” This phrase implies not just competency but resourcefulness."
- "Stop using the word “how” because if you ask how you're always implying that you don't know, even if you do. It lowers your frequency."
- "For some people when asked a question, their first knee jerk reaction answer is: I don't know. Avoid doing this. Answer instead, “what would it take to make this happen.”
- "Avoid using the word “if”. If I graduate, if I get a good grade on the test, if I succeed at losing weight, if I succeed at a business, if I attract enough healing clients. All those ifs give you the way to wiggle out of succeeding."
- "Remove the negative terms from your vocabulary, as I said, instead of being not bad, it's good and even better, use great, excellent, wonderful, and so on. Raising the frequency of your language can really help you get unstuck."
- "When people say “I never ever want that to happen to me again,” or “I am never going to be fat again,” or “I am never going to be broke again,” what your subconscious hears is “I will be broke again.” “I will be fat again”, or “I want that to happen to me again. Restating in the positive makes the statement way more powerful."
- "The frequency of the words increase as you go from good to great then to excellent and onto wonderful."
- "Using high frequency words consistently can really change your outlook on and quality of life."