In your Free Healing Session Establish Rapport to Ask for the Sale
May 06, 2022
Your potential healing clients are longing to be heard and understood. They want relief. It is very important to establish rapport right away, by asking questions you are honestly interested in learning about them. Not to make the sale, but because they matter to you. After that, during a free session, they are more receptive to your offers. Tune in to discover a simple template for making it happen. Free live training to become a highly paid healer in 3 months or less, go to:
Standout Quotes:
- "Your primary goal when connecting with someone as a healer is not to enroll the client but to help them. When you are in service to others, they will be more attracted to you."
- "To create rapport, ask questions and let your potential client speak. We all love to talk about ourselves and want to feel heard. Ask with true interest what is happening in their lives."
- "When your potential client is totally ready right now to have you help them, they must know, like and trust you. You can accomplish this by having a simple casual conversation and being in service, without pressure."
- "As a healer, you can gain more trust by being truly fascinated by what makes people tick, what is their motivation, and what drives them. These motivations led them to the situation they're in now and will allow you to help them effectively."
- "While you are speaking with potential clients, make sure you ground you and them to have a conduit to release that low frequency energy so it doesn’t affect you adversely."
- "The easiest way to enroll new clients is to give them a roadmap of how your free session will run, then make sure to let them know that you’ll make one or more potential offers at the end of your conversation."
- "Ideally, you want to have long term clients that keep returning because they know whatever you are doing helps them."
- "The reason true healing takes longer than expected is that you and your clients have long term habits in their thoughts, habits, feelings, and behaviors. It takes more than one session to overcome these. It’s like trying to diet one consecutive day to achieve your ideal weight."