How to Simplify Your Law of Attraction Practices

Oct 08, 2024

Have you tried vision boards, affirmations, and meditation but still feel stuck with the Law of Attraction? In this broadcast, I dive deep into the science and energy behind manifestation, drawing on my background in physics and multigenerational energy healing. I’ll share three actionable steps that go beyond the surface and guide you in turning your desires into reality. From raising your emotional frequency to setting clear intentions and taking inspired action, this broadcast will describe you how to align your energy and make your dreams come true. Whether it’s your career, relationships, or personal goals, you’ll learn how to harness the power of attraction and take practical steps toward your vision. Ready to manifest your dreams? Let’s get started!

Links mentioned in the episode: Manifest your dreams with Quantum Prosperity Activation: 





Maybe you heard all about the law of attraction but are still stuck?  You tried vision boards, affirmations, mindset shifts and even meditation.  I have a slightly different take on this because of my background in physics and the multigenerational energy healing and intuitive history in my family.  I’ll walk you through the science and energy behind the Law of Attraction, using its science and real-life examples, and give you three clear steps to bring your dreams into reality.

Before I started college, I had a bit of an idea that I would study science but didn’t know what I’d do with it.  I didn’t know what getting the most information and the highest degree really meant or whether I’d be able to do it.  I knew I wanted to do it.  But would I be clever or creative enough to manage it? 

 When I started my doctorate, the doubt still persisted.  But as soon as I was underway, the doubt vanished, and I focused on the job at hand.  Once I got going on my project, ideas started to fly about how to analyze this data and the breakthroughs in science it brought.  I had a good picture of where I was going with this project, but it also required a lot of background work to understand what steps were necessary to make the project a success.  This started a life-long pattern of creating new personal and business projects that succeeded.  I will outline the steps and explain the science behind it.  

What steps are needed to use the law of attraction?

1. Raise your Frequency: Align Your Energy and Emotions:

The first step is to understand that your energy, especially your emotions, directly affects your ability to attract what you desire. High-vibe emotions such as joy, love, and passion are magnetic. Low-vibe emotions such as doubt, anxiety or desperation repel your dreams. As in my doctoral thesis, as soon as the doubt vanished, the path to success was clear.  

Most humans need daily reminders in the form of practices that keep your frequency up, such as exercise, good nutrition, sleep and hydration.  Don’t forget quiet time to meditate and let your thoughts flow to what you really desire.  Imagining that you are alone, somewhere like at a beach or on a mountain, helps you quiet the voices of others and your own doubt.

I started my projects after my daily energy hygiene, such as the practices I just mentioned. The long runs or walks I took served as time to let my mind float over the creation of it. I didn’t worry about failure.   Instead, I felt excitement and joy for what it could become. For example, when I had the idea of teaching a big Scientific Healing Certification Program, I was enthusiastic and happy.  I sat down and outlined the whole two-year program in detail.  With a clear vision in mind, I started talking to people.  I imagined 20 people in the first group and had 19 signed up within 3 weeks.  It felt effortless.  

What made this happen?  First, I had no doubt.   I was joyful in the creation of this program because I knew how much it would help people.  My conscious mind had it already in place, real and ongoing.  My emotions were aligned with the vision I created.  It was fulfilling to me and valuable to others.  The testimonials and raves from the people that went through the program are even better.  

You are like a tuning fork.  If another of the same frequency is nearby, you ring, it will ring in response.  High vibe energy will bring about high vibe results.

2. Set Clear Intentions and Visualize:

As I just described, I set the process in motion first by imagining it with joy and gratitude.  Then I put all my concrete plans on paper.  This made it come into being.  

Science tells us that the mind can influence matter.  There are experiments that show that intention can influence even machines.  When I wrote down the details of my course before I created it, it came into being at that moment. 

Let’s say you have the intention to start a new art project.  You can use inspiration pieces, such as photographs or swatches of color, then let those begin the creation process.  For example, the painting masters, like da Vinci, sketched all their ideas from inspiration pieces for what painting they would create, practicing the shape, form and perspective of their subject as it will be in the final piece.  Some masters even painted the same subject in various ways, such as Degas and his ballerinas.  

This is in effect the way a vision board works.  It creates clear ideas of what you are in the process of manifesting.  There is, however, a cautionary tale when creating a vision board.  There are many people where things, such as fancy homes or cars, don’t mean much.  I’ve created many vision boards as the instructor said to do with these kinds of things on them.  They were just wishes and not deep desires.  The thing that gives your life meaning and purpose is a bigger driver, as recent studies at UCLA have shown.  It is what elevates and sustains happiness and joy.  So instead of where you want to live or what you want to have, focus on manifesting things that have deeper meaning for you.

 For me, the creation of my Certification Healing Program was to help as many people feel healthy and vibrant as possible.   It brought me great joy to manifest it and the results for the participants went way beyond my expectations. 

Whether it's a new career, a relationship, or financial freedom, it must be something that is fulfilling and would bring you joy.  It can be a house overlooking the ocean or up on a mountain, or it can be making a difference in your life.  The joy and excitement is what helps make it happen.  The clear visualization guides you to the path to bring it about.

3. Action, not wishing, makes it happen.

The Law of Attraction isn’t about wishing—it’s about doing. When I started my doctoral thesis, I didn’t just start experiments out of the blue because I wanted a degree.  I went to the library (this was before the internet) and read every journal article and book on the research project I was undertaking.  I knew the structure of the materials, what their expected vibrational spectrum looked like, how pressure and temperature changed things, and what the theory behind it all is.  Then the results made sense.  It takes homework.  

Likewise, if you are to go into the real estate business flipping houses, let’s say, you will know the ins and outs of buying and selling homes, the pricing in the area, what people are interested in their homes (bathroom and kitchen remodels), the costs, where to source the upgrades, who is to do them, time it takes, and what you could sell the upgraded house for.  It takes more than the coaches and TV shows would have you believe. 

The quantum field responds to action, just like physics tells us an object in motion stays in motion.

In your manifestation journey, you need to move, take action, and know what is needed to create your new reality. Get mentors, take classes and study.  Start with your dream, however that looks, learn what you need to do to make it happen, and work towards your goals. Action begets action.  Having the vision of what you desire will make taking those steps feel effortless.

In summary, these three steps can be described as getting into a high vibe state such as joy and excitement with your dream, next is having a clear vision of what it is going to look like, and last is to take the actions to make this happen.  Basically, you are in alignment.  Your emotions, thoughts and actions are in synch with one another.

If you found today’s episode helpful, give it a thumbs up or five-star rating.  Be sure to share it with your friends and subscribe to my channel. 

Next Step:

When you are ready to manifest your dreams and desires, you can start with my mini program called Quantum Prosperity Activation at  

Next time, I’ll be talking about Karma.  Not the retribution Karma.  And that you can release yourself from the bonds of Karma so you can be free to make new choices.   You won't want to miss it.