How to Use Affirmations to Break Through Blocks Fast

Oct 01, 2024

Struggling to achieve success no matter how hard you try? Affirmations might be the missing key! But to truly work, you need the right kind of affirmations. In this broadcast, I'll reveal the secret techniques to creating powerful affirmations that actually break through mental and energetic blocks, helping you align your thoughts, actions, and emotions. From personal stories of transformation to practical tips, learn how to effectively use affirmations to step into your success—whether it’s financial abundance, fulfilling relationships, or personal growth.


  • How affirmations rewire your subconscious

  • The key elements of a successful affirmation

  • Real-life examples that you can start using today

  • How to integrate affirmations into your daily routine for lasting change

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Does this sound familiar: No matter how hard you work, success still eludes you? You have taken a number of methods to get past your blocks and could be frustrated.  Affirmations might be the missing key.  But affirmations the right way.  You might have tried them but there are certain keys to creating affirmations that work.  Miss these keys, and you could lose out.  In today’s episode, I share practical tips on how to craft and use powerful affirmations that actually work, helping you break through mental and energetic barriers so you can step into success.

Since I was young, I always had the sense that I needed to speak positive words to myself to succeed.  I was very successful in school and in my career.  However, my significant other relationships were not until I understood why and how I applied my success strategies from my career to my partner relationship.  

It was a strange dichotomy: I knew I could succeed in school, I knew what I was good at, I had no doubt.  But then, in my personal life, I said to myself the same messages I heard when I was young.  That I didn’t know any better, that I would be unhappy for the rest of my life because I was so selfish, and more.  It was when I decided to apply the same positive messages to my personal life, in the form of affirmations, that things changed dramatically for the better.  

Using these affirmations daily, both while journaling and in daily self-talk, allowed me to move into successful relationships.  This includes what I allow as behavior from someone else and that I would be the one making the choices.  Let’s get into what makes a good affirmation and how to use it effectively

Here’s why affirmations are so powerful:  

When you wake up every morning, you run the programs that ran the day before.  This means if yesterday, you believed you would succeed, you believe that today as well and  you will take the steps to make that happen.  If yesterday, you believed that you weren’t good enough to succeed, you will make that happen too.   The subconscious messages you give yourself is exactly what will happen.  Just saying “today, I will succeed: today I will be on the way to making the income I want, today I will start the process of becoming healthier and leaner, today I will meet the right partner for the rest of my life” doesn’t usually make it happen.  This is because your thoughts, actions, emotions, and words aren’t in alignment with one another.  

Affirmations are more than just "positive thinking", making happy happy with no substance, or just words someone said to say—they’re a powerful tool to disrupt your subconscious beliefs and rewire your subconscious mind.  By repeating a phrase over and over, you disrupt the old pattern of thinking, or your old programming.   The science is straightforward: repeating certain statements can recondition your thought patterns, creating new neural pathways, which can change how you think, feel, and act. These shifts allow you to better align with your goals, whether it’s in your career or personal life​​.  

Simply put, daily affirmations are clear, positive statements that are designed to help you create change in yourself so you become the kind of person who is capable of accomplishing your goals in life. 

Steps to create personalized effective affirmations.

When constructing affirmations that work, they need to be 1. stated in the positive, 2. used in the present tense, and 3. must be believable and achievable. Your conscious mind will block the message from reaching your subconscious, where all the action takes place.  If you have a big, seemingly unattainable goal, you can adjust the statement to make it feel more realistic and believable. 

For example, if you’re currently earning $5,000 a month but need $25,000 to meet your goals, it might feel impossible to reach that income. Instead of saying, “$25,000 flows into my bank account every month,” which may feel overwhelming, try, “It’s now okay for $25,000 to flow into my bank account every month.”

If even that feels misaligned, you can soften it further: “I’m willing for it to be okay for $25,000 to flow into my bank account every month.” This allows your conscious mind to accept it and your subconscious hears it.  It short-circuits the disbelief. Over time, your subconscious opens up to allow this new belief in.

Some people use “I am” statements as affirmations, which work quite well but they aren’t the only ones that do, especially if they are pushing your conscious mind to the edge of disbelief.  

The words you choose must resonate deeply with your authentic self. For example, an “I am” affirmation, such as, “I am confidently attracting clients who value my work and happily pay me generously” have a powerful effect because they focus on how you feel and what you value. This ensures your affirmations align with both your conscious and subconscious desires​.

It’s crucial to have a reason why the result is important to you. If you’re just saying, “I am now rich,” without a clear purpose or value, it won’t resonate. But if you say, “I am now $500,000 wealthier” or “$500,000 flows into my bank account this year” in order to buy your mom a house because she’s done so much for you, that’s a powerful, motivating reason.

And last, there’s the power of making your affirmations work energetically.  Some people use “across all time, across all space, across all dimensions and across all realities” in order to make their affirmations undefeatable.  A simpler way to make affirmations foolproof is to say instead, “all the times and all the ways”.  This covers the all possibilities the longer and sexier statement does, but making it easier for your mind to accept.  

For example, you could say, all the times and all the ways, $25000 flows into my bank account every month”

Affirmations are designed to overcome limiting beliefs, help you focus on your goals, and motivate you to act in a way that helps you succeed.

For example, challenges healers, empaths, and conscious entrepreneurs often face are feeling underappreciated, underpaid, some even reject the idea that they should be well compensated, and thus become financially insecure​. Affirmations can shift these limiting beliefs. Commonly, they take on or attract clients who drain their energy without adequate compensation.  To repel these clients, saying  "I joyfully receive clients who value and honor my time and energy" or “My clients praise me and pay me generously” can help reprogram your mindset. This not only helps attract the right clients, repels the wrong ones, and reinforces your worth​.

Other affirmations you could consider are those that help overcome the imposter syndrome: 

  • I am lovable and I am loved
  • I am enough
  • I create new possibilities and positive change
  • My past is in my rear view mirror.
  • I am worthy.
  • My life is endlessly abundant.  (It is better to put a value here such as what you want to earn.  Being more specific works better.  Such as the statements I mentioned: $25000 flows into my bank account every month.  This way you don’t have to physically earn it all, it just flows, because you made it happen.)

How to incorporate Affirmations into Your Daily Routine: 

To get the most out of affirmations, they need to become a part of your daily life. Make a ritual of it.  Choose 2 or 3 statements to focus on at a time, use them for 5 to 10 days, then move onto the next 3 to focus on.  You can go through many that way without making it tiresome.  

Say each one ten times, focusing on the words while breathing slowly.   Say them first thing in the morning or right before bed, as these are the times your mind is most receptive. Pair them with visualization techniques—see yourself living out the affirmation. For example, if your affirmation is about financial abundance, visualize clients happily paying you for your services​​.

Here’s one that you’ll receive the energy as I say it ten times.  “All the times and all the ways, money is pouring into my life from all directions”

The key to effective affirmations is emotional resonance:

When you speak an affirmation, truly feel the outcome as though it’s already your reality. For instance, if you’re saying, “All the times and all the ways, I am healthy, vibrant, and full of energy,” imagine yourself moving through your day with ease, feeling light and powerful.  This emotional connection accelerates the affirmation’s impact, helping you manifest change faster​.

To recap, affirmations reprogram your subconscious by subverting your old behaviors and replacing them with new.  They are stated in the positive, present tense, and must be believable by your conscious mind.  Practice them daily and picture them in your mind while you are saying them. 

"Now it’s your turn. Start crafting your affirmations today and speak them into your life daily. When you’re ready to unblock your potential and step into your power, let’s have a conversation!  I’ve reserved time on my calendar at to talk about the possibilities open to you.  No obligation

"Next time, you’ll hear about the law of attraction and how you can make it work for you, so you can serve from a place of abundance, not depletion. Be sure to subscribe to this channel so you don’t miss it"