Language for Building Trust

To connect on a deeper level with your future clients


Day 2 Homework

Part 1: Make a glossary of common terms you use in your industry.  For example, in the Eastern based healing world, chakra can be translated to energy portal, meridian is an energy channel, and aura is yur energy field.  In medicine, high density lipoprotein is good cholesterol and in the online world, CPC stands for cost per click, or price you pay every time someone clicks a link in an ad. 

Part 2: You can get triggered by people because of what happened in your past.  Make a list of 5 people that when you think of them, they invoke low energy emotions, such as, anger, jealousy, shame, regret, sadness, etc.  Tomorrow, we'll do a healing on you for that.

Connect With Me

Speak with me to open up to new possibilities in your life that you haven't yet believed to be possible.

Day 3: Healthy Relationships so You Can Thrive

Day 4: Why You Should Charge Appropriately

Day 5: Stabilizing Income & Beyond
