Healing the Dark Energy of Assault to Move You Forward with Success

Episode #90

Your body and energy field registers assault as dark energy that can create premature illness.  It leaves holes and vulnerabilities in your field and allows more dark energy to enter, lowering your vibe, mood, and energy.  Hear tips to help restore your body to high frequency or light to move you forward to success.

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Standout Quotes:


  • "Trauma is when you experience something that's really frightening and it pulls your energy up out of your body. "
  • "When you’ve experienced abuse from someone, every time you think of them, you are pulled back into a relationship with them."
  • "When you think of whatever caused trauma to your body or spirit, take a deep relaxing breath, then cut the cord to the thought and let that thought drop deep down into the Earth."
  • "Gold energy is divine healing light that heals you, and pink is loving light that softens you, making you feel loved.  Take a nice deep breath and imagine light coming from above.  Imagine it to be a golden pink or peach color, filling your whole body."
  • "Your meridians are like strings on a piano or guitar.  It emits a series of notes when plucked, multiples of one another.  Octaves.  The higher the frequency, the better you feel: more energized and happier. "
  • "When you’ve been assaulted, it's difficult move forward. The important thing to realize that lighting up the darkness in our body and spirit, creates forward movement."
  • "When your body takes in light from the outside world through your pores, your skin, your receptors in your chakras or portals, it feeds all of your organs, your emotions, and spirit to light you back up again.  Doing regular energy hygiene helps you maintain your high vibe state."


About Dr. Anastasia Chopelas:

She founded Healer's University to help other healers with their businesses and their skills. She teaches a unified healing approach combining vibrational physics with ancient energy healing arts, which is responsible for expediting thousands of healings. https://healersu.com


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