Lessons I learned from Healing my dad’s stroke: 4 Signs and 12 healing tips for a successful outcome

Discover the lessons I learned from healing my dad of his stroke twice, a major event at age 83 and another at 88. A stroke can happen at any time, even early in your 30s or 40s, and can change your life outcome in an instant. https://scientifichealer.com/emotional

A stroke falls into two major categories, a bleed or a clot. It can happen on the surface of the brain or deep into the limbic brain. Each type has different consequences.

They both have the same things in common. It affects motor coordination, speech, memory, and can even alter personality, depending on where the stroke occurs.

Many of the tips outlined here also apply to caring for your elderly relatives.

The elderly resist help: resistance must be overcome.

For both my parents, when they hit their 80s, they were both extremely resistant to outside help. They wanted me or one of my siblings to do all the heavy lifting, something none of us are qualified to do. Aside from that, we are all in our sixties. Even though we are in good physical condition, we are not qualified to do the care that it takes to help a compromised older person. You still want the love there, not the arguing.


We hired the professional help while closely supervising them. It improved our relationship with them even though they both were upset by it initially. It does take hiring the right person, so having someone that can communicate with them. You don’t have to talk your elderly into it, you just have to tell them that this is the best way to take care of them. They are often worried about the cost, but the cost is minimal in comparison to the benefits.

Last, once your parents get to an age, don’t let one be the caregiver for the other. They will want to do this because they don’t want their quiet life invaded by others. This often leads to premature death of one or both parents. My husband’s father died because he was his wife’s caregiver in his early 80s. He just didn’t take care of himself and died of a simple bladder infection. This is a common tale.

Be aware that once someone has had a stroke, repeat strokes are common.

Signs of a stroke to watch for

The person suffering a stroke won’t notice unless one side of their body goes limp. Mild strokes show up when you see facial assymmetry, particularly with a smile. It could show up as drooling on one side or vocal changes with the voice garbled compared to their normal speech.

Often undue tiredness shows up with other symptoms.

When Dad showed signs of a mild stroke (facial asymmetry and garbled voice), he didn’t want to go to the hospital. I had to talk to him plainly and let him know that even though he is ready to die, he will still be living. It is better to live with as much of himself intact rather than not. He then agreed to go to the hospital; they found a very minor stroke after insisting that there was one. Don’t let the staff talk you out of what you know. It was taken care of quickly with no lasting damage.

Practical things to consider for lowering risk of stroke

Use relaxation techniques to lower blood pressure (like meditation or guided healing audios: https://scientifichealer.com/emotional). Watch for rises in blood pressure. Eat healthy food plus plenty of omega-3 fats to promote a healthy cardiovascular system. If a stroke is suspected, call 911 immediately. The faster you establish blood flow back to the brain, the better recovery you’ll make,

And last, while there are a lot of people that object to conventional medicine, it is not the enemy. It has helped a lot of people through traumas such as accidents, strokes and heart attacks. What it is less useful for is a chronic condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or cancer. That’s where marrying the two medicines is powerful.

Standout Quotes:

  •  “It’s hard for an elderly person to give up their autonomy.”
  •  “A stroke can change your life from one moment to the next where it's never the same ever again.”
  •  “The quicker you get the blood or reestablish the blood flow, the less amount of damage.”
  •  “The faster you get to the hospital, the quicker your recovery”

Key Takeaways:

  •  For older people, they have a sense of pride where they refuse to take medications or go to a hospital. They believe that they are still strong and healthy.
  •  A stroke can change a person’s life where they go from being healthy to bedridden for the rest of their life.
  •  The quicker you can get a person’s blood flow going from a stroke, the less damage there is to their body and the damage would not be permanent.
  •  When you are experiencing any symptoms to potential illness, you must go to a doctor right away to have a diagnosis before it’s too late.

Timeline for this broadcast:

00:18 Staying Socially Active

00:54 The Stroke

01:42 The Problem with Very Aware Adults

1:53 Tip 1: Resistance to help must be overcome

02:03 The #1 Factor That stops Older People from taking Help

02:46 The Reason for the Stroke

03:49 The Call for Help

4:29 Tip 2: Repeat strokes are common

4:36 Sign 1: Facial asymmetry

5:31 Sign 2: Vocal changes

5:44 Sign 3: Dragging leg or unresponsive arm

5:50 Sign 4: With other three, undue tiredness

6:06 Tip 3: Don’t let one old partner be the sole caregiver for the other

06:27 Being a Caregiver

6:59 Tip 4: Get hired professional help

7:48 Tip 5: Speak frankly to the victim so they can make good decisions

07:58 Calling 9-1-1

8:19 Tip 6: Don’t let the hospital staff talk you out of what you know

8:40 Tip 7: Use relaxation techniques to lower blood pressure

9:09 Tip 8: https://scientifichealer.com/emotional

10:07 Tip 9: Watch for rises in blood pressure

10:39 Ways to Reduce Inflammation in the Body

10:47 Tip 10: Eat omega-3’s and one-ingredient foods

12:11 Recovery and Healing

13:27 Tip 11: Get blood flow back into brain as fast as possible

14:01 Tip 12: Conventional medicine is great for emergencies

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