You deserve the tools you need to succeed. 

Because your success matters.

Changing How You Relate to Money to Attract More Wealth to YOU

Your relationship with money has everything to do with the way you were raised and your emotional reaction to it.  It re...

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Practices you can do to reprogram your DNA to health, love and wealth

Your DNA contains 95% reprogrammable information, much like a computer chip. The programmable part is what we now call y...

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Using High Frequency Words Help you Manifest Your dreams.

Despite what magnets show you, like attracts like.  Using high frequency words and expressions will help bring you more ...

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Getting Your Body Into Healing Mode FAST OR Why Muscle Testing Works.

Science shows us that there’s a two way conversation between your posture and your stress levels.  Get into healing mode...

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Why centering helps attract new healing clients

Being centered means you are internally driven, without outside distraction.  This also means you are more alert, health...

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Steps to change your current reality to manifest one you love

Energetically sensitive people like healers and highly intuitive people create their realities with what they think abou...

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Why Giving Away Your Healing Gifts Can Backfire

Healers often hear that healing is a gift and they should give it away.  The logic to that makes no sense when you consi...

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Manifesting Wealth Using the Quantum Field

The quantum field is not what you think, you are already here, you don’t have to reach it.  It’s really you that defines...

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Getting Wealth Affirmations to Work for You

Wealth affirmations must have certain qualities to be effective and work on your subconscious mind. Using your subconsci...

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Your Money Story can Create Wealth Blocks

Your money story is how you relate to money emotionally leading to how you spend, save and earn your money.  There are s...

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8 Steps to Clearing Wealth or Money Blocks

Certain steps can really make a difference in your ability to attract wealth to you.  The pile of wealth may be right in...

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Tapping or EFT for Wealth

Often, even with healing, reprogramming your body to new states of beings can be supported with powerful techniques such...

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